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HowTo Access your Homedir

Every user of the IPG network have a personal space on our central file server. This space is completely at his/hers disposition and every kind of files can be recorded inside. Maintaining all the personal files in this server means that your files are backuped and that you can access it from every linux workstation of the Labs automatically and even from personal laptops with differents Operating systems, as Os X or Windows.

<note> These facilities are available only for computers connected to the network by wire. Users connected to the wireless networks can't access hers/his homedir directly. </note>

Access personal files from linux

Automatically, when you login on one of the workstation, the system connect to your homedir maintained in the central file server and you can access all your files as they are recorded on the local disk. You don't have to do nothing else, to see your files. If you use a personal laptop running linux, you can use the remote mounting of your homedir by using the nfs protocol. In this case you can chose the manual mode or the autofs daemon. Only the allowed workstation will be able to connect to the server, so you must ask to the System Administrator the permission to use the connection. In order to connect correctly follow these instructions. Of course Linux doesn't have limitations like others operating systems and users can use also others solutions. Refer to the instruction below if you prefer to use SMB/CIFS protocol to connect to your homedir.

Access personal files from Os X

Users of Os X Operating System can connect to his/hers homedir using the standard afp connection protocol developed by Apple. Just connect to the server using the Command-K key combination. If the initial connection is successfull (you must be allowed to use the network, before that) the system will ask for your network login credentials. After inserting these, you can select the directory to mount (your homedir is your login name, web is the web space disc, scratch is the scratch disc). Once mounted you can access your files directly from the Os X applications.

<note warning> Remember to unmount the homedir before disconnecting the network, else the laptop will hang for a while (forever in case you're using Tiger). </note>

Access personal files from Windows

Windows use the CIFS (aka SMB) to access file on remote server and don't understand nfs protocol. As with Apple OS we use a gateway that translate the first protocol in the second (sorry for the experts). Windows users have to connect to \\ after connecting his/hers laptop to the wired network and have to insert the credentials when asked by the system.

<note warning> The Windows accounts are creatd only on request. You must ask for one to the System Administrator. </note>

filer.1255340080.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/10/12 11:34 by damir