====== How to run Mathematica with batch files ====== * These instructions will teach you how to generate a script file from the graphical interface of Mathematica and then use it to execute the job using Mathematica inside the cluster. * For the complete document, please visit [[https://arxiv.org/pdf/cs/0604088| "How to Run Mathematica Batch-files in Background ?" by Santanu K. Maiti]]\\ === The short version is: === - Start mathematica in graphical/interactive mode as usual - Insert your formulas in the notebook (you can ask for the results, if you like) - Select all the cells you want to use in the script and then click on //Cell -> Cell Properties -> Initialization Cell// from the Menu bar - Click on //File -> Save As// and a dialog window will appear - Select **Mathematica Package (*.m)** from the //File of type// drop down menu. - Once edited the name of the file, save it. Now you'll have your Mathematica script file ready to be used, follow the standard instructions on the [[sge:]] page in order to do so. on the same page you'll find and example script to submit Mathematica scripts file to the cluster.